While we here at No Rhubarb! are somewhat dormant during the off-season, patiently waiting for Spring Training and the orgy of aging white guy reminisces that entails, we are also blogging America's most important game: politics. Along with an old friend, we have begun to blog at Electoral College Dropouts, and we promise to bring to the 2008 presidential election the same utter lack of knowledge and research you find here. Enjoy.
No, please, do come visit.
Huh... somebody needs a new demon goat creature. The Rainiers are looking for a new demon-spawn Rhubarb. Apparently the last person to fill the costume was either tired of the goofy-yet-utterly-terrifying antics or God has finally hit the SMITE button and is ridding the world of these glassy-eyed monsters.
So, hey, why don't you try out?

Thanks to Zastica for pointing this out.
In answer to the almost-inevitable question: No, no, no... a thousand times no.