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It isn't every night you see a professional baseball team self-destruct in a matter of moments, but the fans that braved the elements at the Rainiers' home opener certainly did. With the rain coming down before the game, most wondered if the opener would be played at all. Certainly many will wish it hadn't been. After crack performances by starter Justin Lehr and reliever Eric O'Flaherty, the team betrayed closer Jon Huber with three errors in the 10th inning.

Three errors in one inning? In the tenth inning, no less? Did we really witness this? We did, and despite the rain, despite the cold and despite the astonishment of watching the Rainier offense misfire and the Rainier defense throw the game away, we enjoyed ourselves.

Thoughts, feelings and perhaps an ill-informed rant tomorrow. Maybe even some pictures if they came out.


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