Monday afternoon, a perfect day for Tacoma baseball. The last home game before an extended road trip through the PCL Southwestern hinterlands. Again, a perfect day for baseball, which, quite frankly Tacoma owes us after we've shivered through some very cold, very wet baseball games.
But we weren't actually at the game on Monday. No, the first perfect baseball day just happened to fall on a day when we here at No Rhubarb! had previous plans. On the most perfect day of the spring, we headed up to Seattle, and stayed inside all evening. We went up to the Paramount for Silent Movie Mondays. This was our first try, and we are true believers at this point. Silent Movie Mondays transform the Paramount back into the movie palace it was meant to be. They use a vintage screen and projector, and fire up the Mightly Wurlitzer. A Harold Lloyd retrospective runs through the end of this month, and you shouldn't miss it.
Who was Harold Lloyd? Try this, a snippet of Why Worry?, one of the movies we saw on Monday.
Now, while we missed the game on Monday, we did have a correspondent on the scene. Kevin Freitas dot net, maestro of both and Feed Tacoma. Yeah, we are aware he claims that the .net isn't part of his name, but we are not dummies. We know the truth. Correspondent Kevin was nice enough to share his rather impressive photos from the game, including this soul-chilling look at crossdresser Rhubarb.

Yes, of course Rhubarb is a crossdresser.