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The Rainiers' New Alt Logo

On first glance, we're not sure. The logo itself is striking, but nothing about the look says anything "Tacoma". Red, white and blue with a star motif doesn't seem particularly Northwest, either.

We don't doubt this new look will fly off the shelves though. And despite our initial lukewarmness, we'll almost certainly sport a cap or something soon enough. We here at NR are total whores for such things.

Update: We're told that the star is meant to mimic the Mariners' compass-rose look. Not quite sold on that either. Due to the color scheme, we keep seeing the Texas Rangers. In fact, if you squint, you can sure see how the new Rainier logo would be an outcropping of this old Rangers logo.


  1. izenmania said...
    Needs green. In lieu of any actual mountain motif, there ought to be something in the color scheme to suggest the northwest environment.
    Anonymous said...
    It is an alt logo, though, so it'll only be used on Fourth of July and other special events like that. The old-school logo is still around.
    Anonymous said...
    Most teams "alternate" logo is unique, but keeping with the home and away logo, and style.

    Anyway, this new logo seems kinda boring, and the font style very non-baseball. Almost as bad as the Indianapolis Indians look.

    Who knows, maybe it will be the Texas Rainiers, as the ownership group is from Texas.
    Brandon said...
    I was really disappointed when I went to the home opener and saw just about everything plastered with this logo. For an alternate logo, it sure does adorn a lot of merchandise, schedules, team work shirts, etc.
    frinklin said...
    Yeah, the Rainiers call this the alternate logo, but it sure seems like the main one nowadays. I think part of this is just the allure of the new. The Rainiers apparently think they'd sold all the junk with the old logo, and now they want some fresh new money. I was surprised how quickly the new look grew on me though. I wear my new look hat all the time now.

    Also, Brandon, are you back in the Northwest? Last time we swapped blog stories you were heading down to California and we were going in the opposite direction. And when is the Rainiers new look gonna get to the Sports Logo Pundit?
    Anonymous said...

    Tonasket Recycling?

    Rainiers went from one of the top five or ten MiL logos to one that is unidentifiable with place or with baseball.

    Tumwater Roofing?

    Tallahassee Rounders?

    Doesn't get me.

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