As should be expected from the title of this little blog, we are not fans of Rhubarb, the demon goat-creature masquerading as the Rainiers’ mascot. We do admit to enjoying finding mascots that are more soul-chillingly terrifying than Rhubarb. We may never find anything that tops last week’s entry, the warped vision of horror that is Rusty. But we will try. Oh, will we try.
Today, we stay local. Spokane, our neighbors in the Inland Northwest, has a baseball history that mirrors that of Tacoma. They became a PCL franchise the same year as Tacoma. Avista Stadium was built using the same diagrams used as Cheney Stadium. The PCL Indians left Spokane, and moved to Las Vegas. Spokane – slightly larger than Tacoma and baseball crazed – was left with a short-season Class A team.
So, take that Spokane.
But we digress. Spokane does outdo the Rainiers in one key area, that of mascot horror. The Indians feature Otto, the Spokaneasaurus.
As we warned the last time, this is not for the faint of heart.
Witness: the Spokaneasaurus
- Anonymous said...
April 15, 2007 at 11:19 AMWe took my niece to Opening Night. She's 2. She kept calling Rhubarb "the monkey." Thought you'd enjoy that.- frinklin said...
April 16, 2007 at 9:45 PMGreat... now I'll think of him as the monkey with horns. As if I don't have enough Rhubarb-related nightmares