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We are not dead. Only sleeping. Actually, sleep is rather the opposite of what is going on here. We've been busy. We are...

... putting on a show! Come see it and figure out the mystery!

...making life miserable for local restaurateurs!

...playing with this thing, which might be God's perfect time-waster.

...getting yet another animal!

...getting seriously chagrined when we describe ourselves as “blogger”.

So, where do we go from here? The Rainiers are done for year. Minor league baseball – while now close to a year-round affair due to various winter leagues – won't be seen around these parts until next spring. We could – and almost certainly will – continue to blog about the other, slightly less local franchises. We've also kicked around the idea of following either the UPS or PLU football teams, and while we may keep abreast of them, we can't see that idea completely taking hold. Mostly because we don't have a clue about UPS or PLU football.

We'll work on it.


  1. Erik said...
    Done so soon? I always forget that AAA baseball doesn't go into September. Dang. I didn't make it to a single game this year (and only 3 Mariners games).

    Thanks for keeping me in the loop on what's happening with the T Town 9, though!
    Anonymous said...
    The Rainiers are getting very frustrating. Two years ago I paid $180 for my season tickets and now they want $540. They are pricing the fans out. I have been getting season tickets with three other people the last couple of years and none of them are going to renew at those prices. I cant decide if I want to renew either. Great job, new ownership.

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